Thursday, April 16, 2009


Miriam's felting from a class last week. Aren't they lovely?
I knew she would have finished an article with her pieces of felt while mine are still untouched.

It was my turn to demo something new at the meeting on Tuesday and I decided to play with Lutradur (short tutorial on Digital Gran). I'd prepared 12 little kits and there was such a good turnout we needed them all. I think everyone enjoyed playing with the Lutradur.

After a shaky start and a restart things went well. But with hindsight, I should have told them to prepare the Lutradur first before colouring the poly cotton fabric. As those of you who have used Transfer Paints will know, the papers don't look the same as when ironed onto fabric. Unfortunately quite a few ended with strange colour schemes as I'd forgotten to label the painted papers. And all my fault (smile). But it did give them an idea of what can be achieved with Lutradur.

Tea break with a piece of beautiful Carrot cake each because it was Janine's birthday week. Did I ever tell you we give each other hand made cards when there's a birthday? I have two belated ones to make.
We were all very happy to see Rhiannon back with us after her surprise surgery. She was not going to miss another meeting and came back from a visit to the hospital with very good new to share with us.

This was as new to me as the rest of the group and when I was trying it out at home a few days ago I didn't think much of it, but the more I played, the more excited I became and I shall certainly be using it again.


Mermaid's Purse said...

Wow - such gorgeous colour and texture in the felt - they are really scrummy!

Heather said...

Miriam's little felted bags are so lovely. Her colours just sing and the textures are gorgeous. I have only just read this post and for some reason missed it earlier. I am finding my way with Lutrador in between doing half a dozen other things. Haven't done much so far as there are too many distractions at present. said...

Please could you give me a basic understanding of lutradur?
I fail to understand how to use it in Spain is not known.

Sorry about my English so basic.