Miriam and Ann are enjoying a joke as usual. Miriam demonstrated a new technique and we all had a go, we are not finished yet, so I'm not going to tell you what we are going to make. We have decided to make some things for the Embroiderer's Guild Sales table in November. Watch this space!

Sue has already made two quilted bags which are going to be sold. I was so disappointed when my battery finished before I could take a photo of the large bag. She was the 'Bag Lady' for the day, we usually call Miriam by that name as she loves making bags too.

You can see that we are still bringing together our sections for the Snowdonia view. They will all be joined together at our next meeting.

Below you can see what we were all doing after Miriam's demonstration. Unfortunately I don't have Joan's sample as I seem to have had a bit of a shake when I was taking the photo. Sorry. Joan is going to be reading this blog regularly from now on, she has just bought a laptop and is now on broadband. Well done Joan. Rhiannon is already enjoying hers. I'd like to take this opportunity of wishing her well, she is going to hospital for a hip replacement at the beginning of October. Hwyl fawr Rhiannon.