We had a wonderful AGM at Sue's house. We get on so well as a group and there is so much give and take going on that AGM's are a pleasure. Sue chaired the meeting and named everyone who had made a special contribution during the year and we all clapped with enthusiasm. Then we were asked if we were willing to continue with what we did last year or did we need a change. I am quite happy to take photos and continue with the SerenTex blog, but I felt I needed a change from being the Tea Lady and Ann kindly volunteered to take over that job. A few other jobs have changed too, but as I did not take notes I'm afraid I've forgotten what they were. This is how the group operates everything is done in an enjoyable and light hearted way with a lot of laughing and joking.

A few people have asked if we are willing to invite more to join the group, but it was decided unanimously to stay as we are for the time being as a small group seems to be more friendly and united. It was also decided to officially rename the group SerenTex. It will no longer be called Serendipity, SerenTex was originally only the name of our blog. we have also booked our annual retreat at Plas Tan y Bwlch.
Sue had brought us all some thick, mustardy coloured felt flowers and we have a small project going, making brooches out of these flowers for the North Wales Embroiderers' Guild Sales Table at the Guild's EXHIBITION OF WORK to be held at the RHOS ON SEA METHODIST CHURCH HALL, Rhos Road, Rhos on Sea on Friday November 2nd and Saturday November 3rd from 10 am to 5.30 pm.
The entrance fee is £2.00 to include the programme. there will be demonstrations throughout the day, sales table and refreshments.