The meeting was well attended, but I know two members have not been well. I hope Carol and Janine will both get well soon.

This was supposed to be a serious meeting to discuss what we intend doing over the next couple of months, but as usual it turns into a hilarious pantomime. Some of us are a little hard of hearing, lack concentration and have a very bad habit of remembering something of importance that needs to be shared with whoever is sitting next to us. This causes lots of misunderstanding and a repeating of important details. In the end we did decide where we are going to have a special lunch to celebrate one of Gwyneth's big birthdays. I won't tell you which one.
I think we also decided on our next project, what size we have to make it and what it is going to be mounted on. I think it was something to do with trees? Or was it black and white? Maybe it was the sea? Only time will tell. We did discuss other serious matters as well.

It was Gaynor's turn to demonstrate this time and as we were all in a silly mood by the time she started we were giggly as these photos below show. The actual demo was most interesting. Gaynor shared with us a way of creating a beautiful bag using plastic. This was a method she learned on a course she went to at the Llandegai Quilters Guild taught by Di Goodison, one time President of the Quilters' Guild. at our next meeting we will all be having a go at this interesting technique. I look forward to it very much. Thanks Gaynor.

On a more serious note, here is a tiny preview of the wonderful work Mary is preparing for her solo exhibition in Denbigh next November and December. Mary's work is going to have an international taste to it. She is well travelled having been to many countries all over the world. One of her favourite places being India. That is all I will tell you, but I can guarantee it will be well worth travelling far to see it.

This is what Mary calls a Practice Piece.

This is work in progress and the colours are wonderful.