This is a woven piece that Tricia is making. First of all she had a dummy run where she practiced the loopy stitches she wanted to use and then went on to the real thing. I can tell you it is a wonderfully textured piece of work and I know she will let me show you a photo when she's finished it. The colours blend so beautifully.

Here is Jenny, a friend who came with us. She is not yet obsessed with textiles , but she made a card for her friends 25th Wedding Anniversary and also started to do some quilting for the first time, under Gaynor's guidance. Before long she will be well and truly hooked like the rest of us.

This is Joan's new white doll and she is beautiful as well. One of the best yet, even though she is still carrying her head under her arm at the moment. She has the most fantastic hat but I forgot to take a photo.

A detail of the doll's dress.