This afternoon, instead of our usual meeting, we all visited The St. David's Hospice in Llandudno. We were warmly welcomed by the Hospice Manager and staff.
Eleven members of the group had taken part in a garden stitching project. Sue brought in an image of a garden she found in a magazine, this was split up between us so we could translate it into stitching, each using their chosen technique. We all had to try and keep as closely as possible to the colours in the images.
When they were all finished and brought together we found they made a complete image once more.
They were offered to the hospice and were gratefully accepted. The patients and visitors alike find them interesting and love touching and feeling them one by one. This is a good way of enjoying textile art.
This is what it looks like on the wall in the lounge.

We had our photos taken with the Hospice Manager, who stands on the left in the photo. I am sitting on the right in the front row. I mention this because I think this is the first time I have appeared on the blog as I'm always the other side of the camera. Two of the group who took part were unable to attend today and I hope Rosemary is feeling better and that Gwyneth is enjoying her holiday in Malta.

For those interested I will post more images and as many close-ups of the work as I can in the next posting.