Unfortunately things did not go well for us. When I arrived they were all standing around surrounded by bags and boxes becuase whoever looks after the rooms where we have our meetings had gone away on holiday and the lady who stood in for her thought our meeting was last week. Eventually we had someone to open the door for us, but Gwyneth was at a disadvantage. some of us had started to get a bit talkative and by that time were not in the mood for work.

Here is Gwyneth ringing around looking for someone to open the door for us.

She was full of great ideas of things we could do and had photocopies of Klimt's work with her, fabrics, beads and gold threads too. We decided that we would only have time for some sketches and will continue with the stitching at the next meeting instead.

Klimt inspiration.

This is just a photo of a piece of work in progress that Mary had with her. Don't you just love these colours?